• prcmohali1978@gmail.com
  • +91-172-2225352, +91-172-2271103, 09988009165


PRC Mohali admits only paraplegics and quadriplegics who are /were members of all three wings of the Defence Services. Defence personnel preferably who hail from Northern, Central and Eastern regions/States will be considered for admission to PRC, Mohali.

Admission Priorities

The cases for admission will be considered in the following priorities: -

(a) Priority - 1 : Quadriplegics. (Casualty of war/various operations)
(b) Priority - 2 : Paraplegics. (Casualty of war/various operations)
(c) Priority - 3 : Quadriplegics (Casualty in field area)
(d) Priority - 4 : Paraplegics (Casualty in field area)
(e) Priority - 5 : Quadriplegics (Casualty in peace area)
(f) Priority - 6 : Paraplegics (Casualty in peace area) with the following sub-priorities: -
(i) No relatives to look-after them.
(ii) Those who are not stable and need regular expert medical care and attendance, which they cannot get at home.

Admission for Quadriplegic/Paraplegic Officers.
Cases for admission of officers will be considered as per the above
priorities. However, they will not be allowed any separate rooms or wards. They will also be subject to all rules and regulations of the centre and no separate facility or distinction will be made.

Application for Admission
• It is preferable that individuals seeking admission to PRC apply within three months for their smooth and effective rehabilitation.
• Application accepted on prescribed form Admission Form
• Copy of the discharge certificates and field conduct sheet to be attached with the application.
• The applicant is required to give prescribed undertakings on an Affidavit.
• Applications to be addressed to Director PRC Mohali.
• The Chairman empowered to accept or deny admission to an individual to stay and use the facilities at PRC Mohali.
• PRC Mohali is NOT liable to give any justification for acceptance or rejection of such an application.
• In case the ESM stay at his home and seeks admission after a lapse of one year from the date of his Release Medical Board, he will have to get recommendations from the Command Hospital (Orthopaedic Surgeon) that is quadriplegic/paraplegic 100% disabled ESM due to spinal cord injury and advised to be admitted PRC Mohali for his rehabilitation.

Appeal Against Decision.
An applicant may, in case denied admission by the Chairman, appeal to Chief of Staff Headquarters Western Command, as Patron for reconsideration of the decision. Decision of the Patron is binding on the PRC.

Higher Appellate Authority.
In case the Patron also denies admission, the applicant may approach the Army Commander, Western Command as Patron-in-Chief, in writing, for reconsideration of the decision by the Patron. Decision of the Patron-in-Chief, as the highest appellate authority, is final and unchallengeable.

Security Deposit.
An amount, fixed from time to time, shall have to be remitted by the applicant as a Security Deposit at the time of admission. The same shall be refunded without any interest on it, after deducting dues/damages, at the time of discharge of the individual.

Duration of Stay in PRC
• The aim of the institute is to provide vocational training to its inmates, and rehabilitate them.
• The applicant shall be considered for stay in the PRC for one year. Subsequently, extension may be granted to the inmate by the Chairman on recommendations of the Director, by one year at a time provided the inmate is not a disciplinary case
and needs more time for his rehabilitation.
• PRC does not provide lifelong institutional care.

• An annual board of officers, constituted for the purpose, shall assess and recommend the need to retain the patient in the PRC or discharge. The assessment shall be based on medical grounds, besides socio-economic condition of the inmate, area/place of residence, health condition, family support etc, and discipline of the patients. Decision to retain or discharge the patient shall rest with the chairman.